Friday, February 1, 2013

Response #1-Chapter 1 (Every Soul A Star)

What were your feelings and first impressions after reading the opening chapter of this book? Explain using good connections, evidence based terms, and complete sentences.


  1. My feelings were like at the end Jack said he could fly and i thought what he can fly!!?? I thought this book would be cool because it is talking about three difrent people and it would be cool if they all met up and became friends. I thought wow i wounder how jacks life was? At first i thought was he even human or is he a alin?

  2. I felt realy exited i just wanted to keep on reading. I wanted to know if jake could realy fly, and if his dad realy had no head. I wonder if people will realy come to ally's house to camp for the lunar eclipse. I want to know who bree was switched with at birth?

  3. My feelings in the first chapter is that they are all different yet the same. I think that Lauren is like the character Bree because she likes to be the best and is very out going. Ally is more of the quiet one and reminds me of Faith and Jack he is not like most boys. Most boys like video games and stuff like that that but Jack, he wants to fly and i don't know any boys like that. The book is very good so far and i wound like to read more.

  4. The feelings and impressions I had after reading the first chapter is I felt really confused.As I was reading I was really confused about why Ally lives in the middle of nowhere.Bree has braniacs for parents,and Jack's mom sits on her bedroom floor snipping off heads.My impressions I had for the first chapters was I thought Ally would live in a big city like one of New,York's big cities.My ipressions for Breeis I thought that Bree's parents would be all rich and famous.My impressions for Jack is I thought that Jack would have a happy normal family.This book is a text to world connection because I had a friend named Cassie.She invited me to a sleepover and I thought that her has would be big and tall and it wasn't, she lived on a farm.

  5. One more thing I thought that Ally would live in a big city and, I thought that Cassie lived in a big tall house.These are my feelings,impressions,and a text to world connection.

  6. The beginning of this book, what I thoughty was funny. Ally was probably my favorite character in the first chapter that she had. Her little brother Kenny had my heart when he thought that civilazation was dramatic, and in black and white. I loved that little line they use when something happens. "Great Galileo's Ghost!" I busted at my seams with that.
    Bree was too. . . Dramatic. (Kenny was right!) Saying that she wasnted to be a model at a young age then retire at 25 when beauty dies out. I have to disagree because my mom is older than 25 and still looks beautiful! She should pick up some things from her little sister. At least she knows how to cut back! This girl does sit-ups before bed and drinks water all the time. Before I go to bed I take off my glasses and imagine sumo-wrestling. (It's funny.)
    Jack was cool. I liked how he hid junk food in his tree house and draw little aliens on his notebook. He wasn't really a I-listen-and-always-have-good-grades kid. He was more like, I'm-not-really-gonna-care-because-science-doesn't-appeal-to-me kinda guy. And how he based his Stepdads off of Star-wars from R2D2. Such as SD1, SD2, and SD3. At the end I was like "Whhaaaaaaa....!" Im really excited to see if he can fly or not.
