I was first introduced to Pam Munoz Ryan when I was first teaching with the book Esperanza Rising. If you haven't ever read this book it is AWESOME!! Pam Munoz Ryan has a way of writing very powerful books, books that make you think and draw out a lot of emotion.
Here is Pam Munoz Ryan's website: http://www.pammunozryan.com/ She has a bio, link of books, etc. Take time to explore and see what she is about. I thought the Q&A section was a lot of fun to read!
Unlike the other two authors Ms. Ryan does not keep a blog, that I could find. If you find her blog, let me know! However, I did find where she was a guest blogger on another website. I am including that link so you can go through and read what she writes. I feel like it gives us a window into her mind. http://forum.teachingbooks.net/?p=3764
I am also including a link to a video interview with Pam Munoz Ryan. It is from the website Reading Rockets. It is one of my favorite websites and has TONS of author interviews. If you have a favorite author or want to find a new one this is a cool resource!!!
Here is the link to the video: http://www.readingrockets.org/books/interviews/ryan/ Right underneath the video is different short videos. Make sure to watch them ALL!
Now that you have read
and watched some interviews with the author. I want you to respond to
this post. In your post please include TWO things you have learned about Pam Munoz Ryan and two questions you would like to ask her. Please be
thoughtful in your answers and make sure they are in complete sentences.
Two things I have learned from Pam Munzo Ryan is she loved books because she could escape in them.Another thing is she would always go to the library every Tuesday with a friend and check out a bunch of books. I also have two questions for the author one is are you glad you grew up in a mexican family? The other one is was it hard being the oldest of 23 grandchildren on your grandmothers side?
ReplyDeletetwo things about Pam Munoz Ryan is both of her grandmothers lived near by so she spent a saturday with one grandmother and another satuday with the other grandmother. Another thing is that she whent to the library with her friend every tuesday. Two questions i would ask her is how long does it take to write one book? How hard is it?
ReplyDeleteI have learned that you don`t have to practice something your whole life to acheive it. Also, I learned that you may not see it, but others see great things in you.Something I would like to ask her is have you ever let your children help you write a story? Also,was there ever a time you wern`t sure what to write and what to call a story?
ReplyDeleteOne thing I learned about Pam Munoz Ryan was that she dosen't like when people ask her about her book process. She dosn't like this because she feels like that isn't what they are trying to ask her. Pam Munoz Ryan feels like thay are asking her how her mind works.I also learned that she moved when she was in fith grad. She never fit in with anyone else because she was to tall or her feet were to big. One thing I would like to ask her is if she ever made any friends even if she didn't fit in? I want to ask this because even if you don't fit in there is always someone that is your frind. I also wanted to ask her,do many people ask her how her process on books is.
ReplyDeleteTwo things I learned is that when she was in school her teacher asked her if she ever thought about writing. Another thing is that she was the oldest of 3 sisters. Two things I would ask her is what was the first book she wrote and is it hard to write a book.
ReplyDeleteTwo things I learned is that she lived by both her grandmas and one other thing is that she never knew her grandma was from mexico. I want to ask how was it going to your grandmas every week and my other question iswhat is your favorite book