Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Meet the Author-Wendy Mass

Wendy Mass is quickly becoming one of my new favorite author's. I didn't realize how many books she has written and I happen to have all but one of them!!! 

I want you to take time to explore her website. She has one of the best author sites I have seen. She even has a blog that is kept UPDATED!!! Here is the link for it: 

I am also including a video for you to watch where Wendy Mass talks about here book Finally, the book about a girl that is turning 12.  

And one more video...Can you tell I love Wendy Mass? This is a short one where she talks about her book Candymakers

Now that you have read and watched some interviews with the author. I want you to respond to this post. In your post please include TWO things you have learned about Wendy Mass and two questions you would like to ask her. Please be thoughtful in your answers and make sure they are in complete sentences.


  1. Some things that I learned about Wendy Mass is that she writes books about what she likes. Thats what encourage her to write the book Candy Makers. I also learned that she likes to write her books begining middle end. Not just jumping around. A question I would ask her is.... when you are writing a book dod you spend most of your time in your office? If that is right then is that why it looks so homey.

  2. Wendy Mass is a very creative woman with alot of good book ideas. She also incorparates peoples ideas into her books, like The Candymakers and 13 Gifts. Two things I would love to ask her is, are you planning on making books for smaller children two, and is there going to be another book after 13 Gifts?

  3. One thing i learned is that Wendy mass has a lot of books published.One other thing i learned is that she wrote candymaker witch i never knew there was a book out ther named the candy maker. One of the questions i would ask is how why did you chose the name in every soul a star in all the other cover names?One other question is why di you even decid to be a wrighter in all the jobs ther are and did any one encourage you to wright ?

  4. I learned that Wendy Mass has her own blog and website were you can buy her books. Wendy Mass has also wrote 11 birthdays, 12 finnaly, and 13 gifts. Have you ever wrote a book based on yourself? And have you visited kansas?

  5. One thing that I have learned about Wendy Mass is that she is not a normal person at all. She loves to create things from her imagination,and when she does that she ends up putting those things inside her books.Like her book The CandyMakers she handed out flyers to her fans that asked, "If you could make any candy what would you make?". When she got the results back she added the different types of candy to her book TheCandyMakers.Another thing that I have learned about Wendy Mass is that she likes to write stories about people and their lives.Or even made up people that sound real. Two questions I would like to ask Wendy Mass is:1- Who made you become a book writer? 2- Do you peservere through being sick and being tired, and still continue to write, or do you just give yourself a break?

  6. Wendy Mass is a interesting person. When she was writing
    The Candy Makers she handed out slips to write down a never been made candy. If she was sick or just realy tired she would still write. She sayed on her blog post, I am so tired but i must keep writing even if it is almost midnite. I have 3 Questions 1- Have you ever consitered writing about yourself? 2- Have you visited Kansas? 3- Can you give me a free copy of Heaven Looks Alot Like The Mall?

  7. Wendy masses faionte candy is good and fruty.Also Wendy mass is a person who is a writer who likes to write storys that are wheard.Windy mass have you ever been to kansas in your life.whout is your 2 faionte thing to do besides reading.
