Friday, February 1, 2013

Response #1-Chapter 1 (Becoming Naomi Leon)

What were your feelings and first impressions after reading the opening chapter of this book? Explain using good connections, evidence based terms, and complete sentences.


  1. My feelings were sad and a bit of curiositey because she was talking about how the kids she would talk to would make fun of her last name.If I were her I would be sad because I hate it when people make fun of me.I was curious because Bernado and her love to do soap carvings. I thought that was odd because what would you want to do with soap carvings?

  2. My feelings were sad because she would be teased by name. It is really not nice. It was very intresting that she lives with her great grandmother. For instance, not many people live with their great grandma. I can connect because I sort of lived with my grandma because i spent all day with her as a baby and was sort of raised by her.Naomi's hobbie appears to be soap carvings. does she use the carvings?

  3. My feelings were happy because she got to eat in the library. I like this because even if it was breaking the school rules they got to eat in the library. I also felt like the end of the chapter left a mystery and I want to keep reading. I felt this way because if we are not expecting somebody nobody just comes up to your house and knocks. Sombody did while she was carving the duck and she was not expecting anyone.

  4. My feelings after reading the first chapter of the story was that this was going to be a good book. But when it said she was made fun of I feltbad for her because she was made fun of and teased. i would feel really sad if I where her. If I where her I would just be nice to them or ignore them.

  5. My feelings were a bit dissapointing because in the book it said the kids at the school were making fun of Niomis name because it was outlaw. A boy said about her name is this a stick up or have you robbed any banks yet. I was interested when she said the librarian let her eat at the library. That was a kind gesture he did for Niomi if I were here i would be happy because she was having a bad day. One kind gesture can change one persons day.He did that for Niomi.

  6. The beginning of the book wasn`t very exciting. Before I even started the book it didn`t look boring but it didn`t catch my eye. It was depressing when the boys were imitating Naomi with her last name. Even though Outlaw could be made fun of it isn`t a very funny name. I do think it is cool that Bernardo taught Naomi how to soap carve. That was the most interesting detail in the story yet especially with the cool sounding duck Naomi was carving. Although, The next most interesting part might be what`s happpening outside of the house and who is knocking on the door. Maybe someone or something got hurt. The possibilities are endless!I predict that the person knocking on their door is their neighbor who never pays a visit. Until now. That is what I think will happpen next. This may turn out to be an extordinarily good book!
