Monday, February 25, 2013

Each Little Bird that Sings-Post #2

Now that we have invested more time and thought into our books and chacters we can see their personalities develop and where the story will be leading us. I want you to think about and respond to these questions:

#1-Predict what you think will occur in the story using evidence from the book. What led you to this thinking and be specific in your answers.

#2-Pick a character from your book and fill in the blanks: If I were ______________________ I would _______________________ because __________________. This is really up to you where your thinking will lead you. Remember characters change and respond to the things in their environment. Be very thoughtful in your answer using text based evidence and specific in your answers.

I am excited to see where this leads our discussion. Happy Reading!!


  1. I predict that Peach will stay for a week a month or a year and then Declraation and Comfort will lose their friendship Peach will get Comfort and Decleration back together and then they will all become friends. If I was Peach I would try and get on Comfort's good side and not stay on the bad side because then I wouldn't be yelled at all the time by Comfort.

  2. i ppredict that declration and her friends are going to leave right when they see peach and sence comfort mom said that delration would help babysit peach.

  3. I predict that Comfert and Declaration will get into a fiaht becuse Declaration was hanging out with those girls that tease Comfort on the playground about how she lives in a funeral home.
    If I were Dismay I would go attack Declaration if her and Comfort got into a fight because there would be more than one girl that would fight on Declaration's side.

  4. TYLER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!March 11, 2013 at 10:20 AM

    i think declration and her friends do not want to see peach because they do not want to babysit her. and i hope that declation would be friends whith her enemy.
    If I were comfort i will not hide in my closet any more becase want's u get in highschool people will make fun of u.

  5. I think that Declaration is going to be mean to Comfort. If I were Comfort I would cry really hard because Delaration is gettin up to the point that every thing will just fall apart. There is no way that I could stand Declaration because she is so mean.

  6. I think Declaration, Kristen, and Tiffany are going to be really mean to Comfort. I can predict this because they came and got out of the car juat to say to Comfort that thier going to a birthday party without her. If I were Declaration I would be asking Comfort if she could hang out with all of us another time instead of being mean and telling her she cant go because of the funaral
