Monday, February 25, 2013

Becoming Naomi Leon-Post #2

Now that we have invested more time and thought into our books and chacters we can see their personalities develop and where the story will be leading us. I want you to think about and respond to these questions:

#1-Predict what you think will occur in the story using evidence from the book. What led you to this thinking and be specific in your answers.

#2-Pick a character from your book and fill in the blanks: If I were ______________________ I would _______________________ because __________________. This is really up to you where your thinking will lead you. Remember characters change and respond to the things in their environment. Be very thoughtful in your answer using text based evidence and specific in your answers.

I am excited to see where this leads our discussion. Happy Reading!!


  1. I predict that Skyla is to do something that is more than bad. I think she will start acting so terrible it will be close to evil. She might try to take Naomi away from gram and hurt Naomi too.

    If I were Naomi I would be careful around Skyla because who knows when she might start drinking and she could be dangerous when, and when not, drunk.

  2. I predict that Skyla is not going to find Namoi because she has know idea when Namoi, Gram,and Owen left and where they went. Im also thinking Skyla is drinking a lot because she is starting to act a little weird. I`m scared that Skyla is going to do somthing out of the ordaniary and it is going to cause chaos.
    Right now if I were Owen I would be scared that Skyla is going to take Namoi away from the faimly. Also I would start to think if Skyla is ever going to find us because Gram didnt tell her that they were leaving.

  3. I predict Skyla will call the police because they escaped and they will track Naomi and try to take her. But she will tell the police about skyla. If i was Naomi I would run and hide so I could'nt be caught.

  4. I predict that skyla will call the cops and take naiomi but naiomi will escape and come back to gram. Skyla will get mad and call the cops to report a kidnapping. If I where owen I would be mad because skyla would take naiomi and because skyla didnt try to take me to las vegas.

  5. I predict that Naomi, and Owen will find their dad. I think this because all three of them are thinking positive about finding him.Naomi and Owen want to meet him. Gram wants to probably bring him so he can try talking to Skyla.

    If I was Skyla i would go with what gram told me.I would do this because I can actually get in trouble by the state. She could get in trouble because she abandoned the kids.It doesn't matter if she is the mom or not gram has taken care of them and is basically the mom.

  6. From where the story is going right now,I predict that Naomi and Owen will find their dad. If all else fails maybe they will track him down by asking someone or finding a Mexican phonebook with adresses in it. They could also go to the Annual Radish Festival. Even with all the people that will probably be there, I know they won`t give up to find their dad. However, the festival could get cancelled. My predictions are endless.

    If I were Naomi I would call the cops on Skyla. Naomi`s mother or not Skyla has been drinking, committed child abuse, yelled at professional doctors, broken promises and many other things. If I were Naomi I would come clean and tell sombody about her doings.
