Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Every Soul A Star- The Unusuals

In our reading we find out that Bree and her family will be taking over the campground that is currently run by Ally's family. We also find out that Bree will be in charge of maintaining the Unusuals.

The purpose of the Unusuals is to entertain the guests at the campground. They are "extras" that come with being at the campground.

One of the extras is the sundial.
Here is a brief history of the sundial:

History of the Sundial

You can also make your own sundial at home. Here are some directions for that:

Make your own sundial

How did people tell time in the dark? They used a Big Dipper Star Clock.
Here is information on that:

Big Dipper Star Clock

The link below will describe to you why the Star Clock works:

Why does the Star Clock work?

Another one of the Unusuals is the labryinth. This was hard to visualize for some of you. Here is a picture of that:

Here is some information about the labryinth:

History of the labryinth

You can also make your own labryinth. This could be done outside on the sidewalk where you draw it with chalk or just draw your own on a piece of paper. Directions are here:

Creating your own labryinth

Happy READING!!!!

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