Friday, February 8, 2013

Becoming Naomi Post #1

Now that you have had a chance to get some background information on your author, learn a small amount about your characters and are getting the story started....what are your impressions of the book?What do you like, dislike, would change, etc.? Where do you see the plot of this story headed?

After you have posted your reponse on the blog you need to check back and reply (meaningful reply) to two people in your book club.


  1. My first impressions of the book was that it would be boring but I really like it. One thing I like is that shes not living in a modern home. One thing I dislike is that she lives with her grandma. One thing I would change is that her mom lived with her and her dad came back.

  2. My impressions of the book are how greatly detailed this book is and how mysterious it`s starting to get. I like the part when Skyla comes and how the book descibes her. I`ve always liked making mind movies and this book is constantly helping me make one! I don`t think that I would change anything. This story is going better than I thought it would. I stand corrected in thinking this wouldn`t be a very interesting story. I think the plot of the story might just end up as a big hot mess or the unexpected might happen and the day will be saved by someone you never thought would do it. The story pulls me in wanting me to read more and more!

  3. My first impression on chapters 2-3 is that it was alright but after i read 4-5 to finish the assignment I was getting to the point where it is hard to put it down. One thing that I like is that she lives with her grandma in a camper because it would be fun if I could live with my grandma in her camper too. One thing that I dislike is that you don't see any resemblence of Skyla in Naomi at all. One thing I would change is that the grandma would have a bigger camper for the three of them and guests. I also would change the fact that Skyla dosent look like Naomi. A child should look like their mom.

  4. My first impression was it would be bad because I thought it would be a little bit for girls but turns out once I read a couple pages of it it was really interesting. What I like about this story is that it makes me feel like im in the story and I know how the characters feel. One thing i disliked is that nioami's mom gave her to gram at such a young age. One thing I would change is that skyla never came back and her dad never left.

  5. My impressions in the book were kind of frightful because Namois mom came along and Gram said that that wasnt a very good thing that she was there.I dont really like it when Gram and Skyla (Namois mom) are talking in the kitchen because I thought that a fight would break out.I love all the sayings that Gram and Namoi say though. (Ex.a lick and a promis away.)If I were the author I would not change anything because I love the book just how it is.

  6. When I saw this book I really wanted to read it. Then I started reading it and I thought it was going to be boring. When I got to the part where Skyla (Terri Lynn) returns I got so excited I didn't want to let go of my book.I really like the part where Skyla returns. I like this part because Skyla all of a sudden returns with nobody expecting her. Owen (Naomis Brother) is really excited because he dosn't know her.I would change the part where the boys at Buena Vista Elementary make fun of Naomi's name. I would change this because I think it is just mean to make fun of someones name. I think the plot of the story is heading to Naomi not trusting her mom while she is living there.
