Now that you have had a chance to get some background information on your author, learn a small amount about your characters and are getting the story started....what are your impressions of the book?What do you like, dislike, would change, etc.? Where do you see the plot of this story headed?
After you have posted your reponse on the blog you need to check back and reply (meaningful reply) to two people in your book club.
My inprestions of the book is that as you read further you will start to see all the pieces comeing together. I like the fact that they all have different persomallities and yet they are all going to end up being friends. I would change some of there names because some of there names don't really soot them. I see the plot of the syory when they all come together and meet and then it will start to make more sence. so far i like it and want to read more.
ReplyDeleteMy first impressions on the book are heading in the right direction. I enjoy Ally the most. She cracks me up with her little brothers bug and having three friends from different planets. Eta, Glenn, and Peggy. I would change that instead of Bree being self centered she could be more like her go-with-the-flow sister, who does cartwheels in pubic and checks out books about moving. Bree is WAY to orderly and does sit-ups before bed. (When I go to bed I GO TO BED!) Jack kept me locked onto his words and how he draws little green men and hides soda and chips in the corner of his treehouse. This is the way I see everyone coming together: Jack is really going to Ally's famous campsite to see the eclipse, Bree is moving near Ally's campsite and Ally is going to run into them at the eclipse. That's what I think anyway.
ReplyDeleteMy impreshions of the book are realy good! I realy want to keep reading. I like ally because she is like me in the summer. Realy adventurues and smart. I dislike the jack chapters because they are slow and dull but now that he is going to allys house it will get more exiting. The plot of the story so far is that Bree, Jack, and ally are boing to be friends.
ReplyDeleteMy impressions are wow i realy like this book. This book got my attenchin when jack said he could fly. I think that all 3 of the caricters will meet and they will all become best friends and then maby Bree would have to move again right when all 3 of them become friends. I think this book would go great if ally had a little sister and bree would go to were ally is and stay there for a wile and they will become friends.I thing i wonder is how did jack get so large no ofence to jack though.
ReplyDeleteThe first impressions I had after reading this book was whoa! The reason I say this is there just so much going on in the book. I mean Ally's family is about to have a special event coming up. Bree is learning how to act like a model and her ,family is about to move soon. Also Jack's science teacher has asked him to come on summer science camp. These are my impressions of the book so far. In the book I like that the author stays on task about her thinking. If I were Wendy Mass I would change where it talks about when Jack brings chips and soda up to, his treehouse because his mom doesn't let him have junk food. Where I see the plot of the story heading is when the special event happens Bree's family will move near their and Bree's parents will go to the, special event to learn more about science.Also Jack's science teacher will have the group camp there and learn about science and nature.Then one day Ally,Bree,and Jack will meet up and become friends.
ReplyDeleteI would change how ally is liveing out in the mittle of nowhere I hate how bree is a girl who is mean.I like jack is a little wiead becase that makes him more fun to read him like how he can fly in his dreme.