Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Stargirl-Week 2

What problem(s) does the main character(s) begin to encounter?  How are they dealing with it? Make sure that you use text based evidence to support your answer. I expect more than a one sentence response, what are your thoughts about how they are dealing with the problem, and what would you do. Remember not everyone will have the same thoughts. After everyone has posted a reply you need to comment on 2 of your friends' posts.


  1. The problems in stargirl are when the cheer leaders leave stargirl at the other school and when Hillary almost drops cinnamon,stargirls rat down the stiars.I think that stargirl should handle her problems by getting someone to hang out with.In chapter 16 things start to get better when leo and stargirl are friends.

    1. I agree with a few thing s. you did a good job.I think they are getting to like eachother.She should handle her problem like that maybe thats why she is trying to make freinds with leo. Or maybe shee just likes him for who he is.

    2. i agree with you.how would you feel if you was left behind with out the bus you were suppose to go on.

  2. One of the problems are that stargirl likes Leo and he does'nt like her.I think that Leo should jus tell her. On one of the last pages stargirl and Leo start to talk I think they are starting to be freinds. Stargirl still likes him so I think she needs to know that he doesnt like her because you dont want to get a love letter everyday.Leo just ignores the fact that stargirl likes him.

    1. I do agree, but what would you do if you like someone? "if i was her i would make sure he dose not find out i like him".

    2. I think that Leo sort of likes Stargirl because i read the first page of the next chapter and they said that Leo was wobly with love and also at the end of chapter 16 Leo does not want Stargirl and Cinnimon to leave.Now that i think about it Stargirl is not so bad.

    3. I disagree because in the book it says that Stargirl asked Leo if he liked her and Leo said yes.I think they are starting to be friends too!I would't want to get a love letter everyday either.Try reading that section over again I think you did't get that part.

    4. I disagree because in the book Stargirl asked Leo if he liked her and Leo said yes.I think they are starting to be friends too even if they like each other.I wouldn't want to get a love letter everyday either.Read that section over again I think you didn't get the conversationthey were having.

  3. the problem is that some people told stargirl there is someone in the biudling. so she went in there but now one was in there. the bus drvier asked if everybody in the bus. they are said yes everybody is in. so they left without stargirl. she had to ride with the other team. "If i were her i would just call home and ask my mom if she could come and get me. I would ask the other team to wait for my mom then she will come and get me.

    1. i disagree because is got a ride from the janitor and not a person but something.Plus i dont think Stargirls parents have a car so how would they get Stargirl 2 hours from there own house.yet over all your blog was fine.

    2. What if her mom was at work or Stargirl doesn't have a celphone?If I were Stargirl I would have started walking home.The last part of you're comment I didn't get Tyler?

  4. The problems the main characters had was when Stargirl first went to Mica High Kevin and Leo wanted to get her on Hot Seat.Leo thought that it was a bad idea.Kevin thought it was a great idea.Later in the story Leo finally said "Fine we'll put her on Hot Seat."Kevin and Leo asked Stargirl if she would be on their tv show?She said yes.They set the date and the time.When the day came that Hot Seat was supposed to air Kevin and Leo was really nervous.During the Hot Seat Kevin and Leo were having trouble with the jury.The jury started to make comments instead of questions.To fix Kevin and Leo's problem is they should pick better people to be the jury next time.

    1. You did a great job. I dont remember Leo saying no at first.What was the date and time? Yes they were having so much trouble with the jury.I dont think they can Pick the jury I think they just sign up.
