What were your feelings and first impressions after reading the opening chapters of this book? Explain.
Please answer the questions above. Do your best to use evidence based terms and provide complete answers. Check capitalization and punctuation. Also make sure you explain your thinking.
Please check back and respond to two of your group members responses.
I felt sad when i saw that Mars Bar was being mean to Jeffrey.I felt this way because i wouldn't want to be bullyed that way. I also felt sad when Mars Bar ripped the book that was Amandas his only friend. I like how Amanda knows that it was Mars Bar
ReplyDeleteI agreed that I liked how Amanda knew it was Mars Bar and defended Maniac. But I wonder....how did Amanda know it was Mars Bar? Did she have a problem with him before?
DeleteI felt that way to, and i thoght it was nice that Amanda stuck up for him. I also think that it wasent nice when the highschool kids were laghing at jeffrey and Amanda.
Deletewhy do you think white kids arent alowed to eat off the same thing?
Ashlie I felt the same way!Your report was wonderful!I would not liked to be bullied like that too.Dont u think mar bar is a really mean bully when her tourchers Amanda and Magee?Thanks for sharing!
DeleteLaney I agree with you because I thought what it would be to have nothing
DeleteI felt sad for jeffrey because his mom and dad died in a trolly crash. This story has a huge efect on my life because jeffrey was just a little boy when he ran away, and he had no food or shelter for days at a time. It made me change my thinking about what life whould be like without my parents or my friends.
ReplyDeleteI think the same of how hard it would be to live without your parents.Do you think that you would get everything as easy as you do when you are with your parents?I was also thinking how old was Maniac when he ran away.
Deleteomg! laney I felt the same way! I feel gratful for what I have. Do you? If I didnt have any parents I dont know why I would be on earth or what i would do.Thanks for sharing!
DeleteMy feelings in chapters 1-11 were kind of sad because when Mainac Magee was down town their were some bullies called the Corbras. They were picking on him so I felt sad because I dont like it when people pick on me. so I could imaganed how he felt. I also felt board in the first few chapters because I really didnt know what was happining ,but as I read on it got more instering and I started to understand and love the book!
ReplyDeleteI agree with you because the first few chapters were hard to understand for me to. Why do you think that the aunt and uncle dont get along? Why do you think that? I also agree with you be cause i dont like getting picked on eather!
Deletei dont know why they dont get along. that question really made me think! thanks for the question!
DeleteI agree that it was sad when they were picking on him because nobody likes when others pick on them. I was thinking that if they were picking on him how would they feel if they were bullied by a group of kids and they didn't know what to do? I also thought that maybe amanda will tell everyone not to bully him because he is her friend.
DeleteIn Maniac Magee his name wasn't allways maniac his name was Jeffery it told us all about how he got the name maniac and why he ran away from his aunt and uncle. They split every thing in two they also almost had two Jefferys.I felt bad when his parents died when he was three. He begam an orphan. It was worse than being teased by Mars bars which was relly mean too be bullied by a guy you don't even know about because you don't know what he is capabal of doing.