Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Maniac Magee-Week 2

What problem(s) does the main character(s) begin to encounter?  How are they dealing with it? Make sure that you use text based evidence to support your answer. I expect more than a one sentence response, what are your thoughts about how they are dealing with the problem, and what would you do. Remember not everyone will have the same thoughts. After everyone has posted a reply you need to comment on 2 of your friends' posts.


  1. The ploblem that Mainac Magee encounters is he is leaving the Beals house. Then reason why he is leaving is because people are touchering the Beals ever since Magee came. After some one ripped up Amandas book to use for confetti,after Magee untied the knot at Cobbels Corner, then he decide that he would leave because thet was the most important thing to Amanda. If I was Magee I would leave too becaues I dont want people to tourcher a family because of me.

    1. I agree with you because if my family was being torchered becaues of me i whould leave to. I also agree with you that Amanda realy cared for the book. And she was sad because it got torn up and used for confetii. Do you think Maniac will come back to east end?

    2. I agree with you that Maniack left and that you should leave. I also agree that the enciculapedy A was the most important thing to. Andthat he did untie Cobble's Knot.

    3. I disagree that i would leave because i would ask the person to pay it and not leave.I also think that the person who did that should say sorry for ripping it.I was wondering why the person who ripped it up went in to their house. Why do you think they went into their house.

  2. Jeffery was misserable he was being told he didnt belong to the Beales. Jeffery replyed that he was home and that the Beales love him. But the old man kept say for him to go home. The more jeffery thoght about it the more he thoght the beales didnt like him. Amanda and Jeffery got in to a fight about him leaving. He made Amanda cry so he runaway. Amanda tryed to look for him but she didnt sucseed.Later she stayed up watching tv and waiting for Maniac.
    Maniac came home and sayed "What are you doing up so late?" And sneered. Amanda told maniac that more people whould like him if he tryed to untie"Cobbles Knot." Jeffery tryed and he sucseeded. Everyone was cheering but Amanda. Amanda screemed and ran off. Jeffer soon realised the homeade confetii was made out of the Ensiclopedia A! He rushed home and found Amanda crying and blameing her self for leaving the book alone. Jeffery decided to make sure the Beales didnt get hert any more by the old man so he ranaway again for good.

    1. Laurens reply to LaneyDecember 5, 2012 at 10:08 AM

      Great job laney on your post.I think this part of the book was very sad,and the man that is telling Magee to leave is crazy. I think Magee should not leave the Beals. Do u think that? Also about the enclipodia A was sad because that was the most important thing to Amanda and she is blaming her self for leaving it on the couch! If that happened to me and it was the most important thing I dont know what I will do. Thanks for sharing!

    2. I agree wth you Laney because if he comes back they are just gonna torcher them again but even worse to teach Maniack a lesson so he'd stay away from them and the whole east end. I also agree that the Encilippoida was important to Amanda and Maniack because Maniack also liked to read it to remember.

  3. Maniack's problem is that he left because someone called him whitey and told him to go back to his own kind in west end. Maniack is dealing with it by leaving because Mrs.Beals house hade fishbelly go home but the f was srubbed off.I think he is doing the right thing so nobody gets hurt.I would do the same thing.Another problem is that Mcnab is waiting for Maniack. Maniack is is not Listening or going near Mcnab because he was on one side of the sidewalk. I would do same so if he called me a mean name and I couldn't hear him.

    1. I disagree that he left because someone called him whitey and fish belly. I think that he left because he didnt want the Beales to suffer any more. Now do you understand?

    2. Laurens reply to StevenDecember 5, 2012 at 10:15 AM

      I disagree that Manic left because some called him witey. I think it was because people are tourching the Beals eversince maniac came. Like when Amanda left the Encylpidoa A on the couch and some one teared it up to use for homade coniffetie. Also when some one wrote on the house with chalk. Good Job though!

    3. I agree that i would leave because you never know what will happen to our family.I also think that if Maniac is so nice why would someone say that to him. What do you think about that? I would just leave him alone and mind my business.

  4. The promble was that manic magee left the beals house and that he went to the zoo on page 81-82-83 was the pages that when he went to the zoo and he fell into the bufflo pin he was just laying there and then a old man came and so the man brount him to his house and got him so food.

  5. The problems that Maniac has is that Amandas Encyclopedia A is all ripped up because Amanda went to Cobbels Corner to see Maniac undo the knot.Amanda thought that anybody could have looked inside the window and went to steale it.what i would do is try to find the person who stole it and ask to give it back.A different problem Maniac has is that the Cobras and Mars Bar are calling him from both sides the East and the West.They are trying to call him because he won a certificate that said he would get a pizza every week and they are trying to steal the certificate.What I would do is that i would tell them to leave me alone because when Maniac was just a normal kid they didn't even looking at him and when he got the certifacate they were just talking to him.
