Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Loser-Week 2

What problem(s) does the main character(s) begin to encounter?  How are they dealing with it? Make sure that you use text based evidence to support your answer. I expect more than a one sentence response, what are your thoughts about how they are dealing with the problem, and what would you do. Remember not everyone will have the same thoughts. After everyone has posted a reply you need to comment on 2 of your friends' posts.


  1. In Loser, Zinkoff has tried and tried to get his father to take him to work, but since they think the ride is dangerous, and theirs only one seat in the mail truck Mr.Zinkoff told his son that they will go to work on Sunday and deliver mail. After a few hours of looking into door slots and handing a letter awkardly to a 2 year old in the door yelling, "Moommsh! Moommsh!" The day ends making Zinkoff cry all the way home.
    After a few days of talking with the doctor Zinkoff finally gets his upside down valve turned right side up. He hates this because he has to stay home from school for 3 weeks. Zinkoff is only allowed to sit on the couch or walk around, but Mrs.Zinkoff caught him trying to go to school, but the plan was delayed by Polly's screaming and a cupcake in her hand. So to stop this problem every morning Mrs.Zinkoff moves Poll infront of the door in her play pen to warn her if he tries to run off again.
    Just when Zinkoff is beginning to be bored out of his mind he come up with the idea. A test. A test to go in the basement and face the furnace monster. Each day he goes down one more step into the basement, but on the last day he closed the door behind him and turned off the light walking slowly and burbing (His after surgery affects) down all the way. Sadly he failed this test and wasn't proud of this, but he didn't mind he would be eading back to school in a few days.

    1. I love when Zinkoff gives himself a test!He beleives in the so called Furnace Monster that evidently lurks in the cellar behind the furnace.I kept wanting to know what was going to happen next while I read more and more.I`m wondering since he failed his test if he will attempt to try that test again.That would be interesting to read.Isabella,I like how you wrote "bored out of his mind" because I personally think it is a good term to use!Not just "he was bored" that could be used but you want to do your best!

    2. I cant belive that he failed his own test that he made. A lot of people fail test but not their own. Not that I have heard of. Bye-Bye!!(at the top of my lungs.)

  2. The problems Zinkoff is having is he wants to go to school but he cant because he just had surgery. Zinkoff fixed the problem by waiting out his time and trying to escape a little. Another problem is the kids in fourth grade are being mean to Zinkoff. I would fix this problem by not letting anyone see my grade or tell a teacher. I would fix the first problem by going threw a window or by running out the door. I feel that Zinkoff is doing a bad job of dealing with the problems because he always use to get cot trying to escape.

    1. I agree with you about the fourth graders being mean as a problem because grades are supposed to be private. And they are also doing rude things during orcestra. They spread the word about his not playing the insturments right!

    2. I agree beacause he had this problem that he wants to go to school but he is not alowed to school.Another problem was that he wanted to go in the clunker and deliver mail as a mail man.But he dosent whant to get his dad fired and i would just grab a jiant cupcake and give it to polly and start runing like crazy.Or i would just distract his mom and start running out the door.

    3. ithak you need to poot how he tride to ascape

  3. One problem in the story was how zinkof wanted his father to take him to his dads work as a mail man.The rule was no kids were alowed in the clunker.Zinkof did not want his father to get fired.So zinkofs father makes a plan with donald zinkof to make some letters and give them to people.Zinkof has made a hunderd lettersto give to people.
    Another proplem was about how zinkof wanted to go to school but polly was there.So zinkof decided to bribe polly with a cupcake to get out to go to school.

    1. I agree because if I was Zinkoff I would feel the same way for my dad. I would be sad that I couldnt go to his work. Zinkoff proably felt terribly that he couldnt go to school for so long. How would you feel?

    2. i thank you need to write what zikoff did why he was at home.

    3. I agree because I remember reading and it saying Zinkoff always bothers his dad every five minutes asking if he could go to work with his dad. So then they go and makes 100 letters. From reading i know Zinoff is exited to go to deliver the letters because it said he ran over to Andrews house and said i get to go to take Donald Zinkoff to work day.

  4. The problem is,Zinkoff isn't fitting in with the others. For example,Zinkoff is always reacting diffrent than others would. Zinkoff tried to fit in by joining orcestra and he still dosen't fit in. My thoughts of how he tried to solve this problem is really good but he could do other things as well. If I were Zinkoff I would solve this problem by just saying,"so, you can't change who I am." then, ignore them after that.

    1. I disagree because he dosnt know hes being teased. But if he did know I would agree with you. Zinkoff probably wants a friend and he is just doing the worst things possible.

  5. The problem so far in Loser is when Zinkoff has to stay home after he gets his valve turned the other way.He can`t go to school-and he loves school-so he drives his mother insane when he keeps trying to get to school.Polly takes care of that!Then he gives himself a test.I would probably do something like the crazy Furnace Monster test if I had to stay home for that long and not be able to move very far!I think Zinkoff will try that again later in the book!Whatever happens next,it will most likely not turn out well.But you never know,Zinkoff might save the day!

    1. I agree with you all the way!I love the part in the book when he takes the Furnace monster test and stuffs a sock in his mouth.

    2. I always wanted to know how this book will end. He might save the day like the "Loser" wil save the day. I think thats how the book is going to end. Its not going that way though.

    3. The previous post was me Lexi.

    4. I agree because Zinkoff might save the day and he might retake the furnace monster test again because he failed. We don't know for sure i guess read the book to find out.

  6. The problem is that Zinoff is different from everyone else. He laughs a lot, he hashad bad handwritting. The class is seeing him differntly than they used to because they big kid eyes. They have always noticed how strange he is but has started noticing it. I think Zinoff should take handwritting class and stay after school to learn. This will help him because these things will not stand out as much to the other students.

    1. I agree with that because his handwriting is noticed more than ever with the big kid eyes. And solving it with handwriting lessons could help but still, you can't change who he is.

  7. Zinkoff has a few problems. First he wanted to go to his dads work on take your child to work day but his dad worked at the pst office and there is only one seat in the jeep so Zinoff was mad about that because he realy wanted to go to his dads work so his dad came up with a day called take Zinkoff to work day it was on Sunday. Zinkoff was still exited about it though. Then Zikoff had surgery so he couldnt go to school and Zinkoff loved school he always wanted to sneek out of the house but his mom caught him then She would always padlock the back door and put the "alarm" witch is Polly his little sister and she says Bye-Bye all the time when someone leaves. So Zinkoff hates waiting so he doesnt know what to do so he makes his own test but he faied it. The test was to go into the cellar with the lights off but there is a Furnace Monster and he practicied everyday and he faied

    1. I also agree with you. After he failed his test I enjoyed the way he ran back upstairs and ripped the sock out of his mouth to breath.

    2. When Zinkoff tries to persuade his dad to take him to work and he gets to go it is funny but not always.He goes to peoples houses, delivers mail, and goes to a mean boys house.But I think it is sad when it talks about the waiting man.Then it goes back to funny because it says"thirty two years!I can`t even wait thirty two seconds for something!"Also the test.That has the same amount of funniness as the Zinkoff`s Mail Experience!

  8. Zinkoff is encountering 3 weeks of no school because he had surgery and they had to turn a valve the valve is a upside down thing that caused Zinkoff to throw up. For instance one time he threw up in his dads mailbag because the valve was tingly. He also threw up on the teachers favorite eraser. but he wants to go to school but he is trapped at home and the solution was he kept himself occupied until he went back to school. Another problem is he does'nt fit in with anyone in his class because he always laughs and acts weird and he does'nt even know he gets picked on. if i were Zinkoff i would just try to be patient until im back to school and i would just try to be a little normal.

  9. I agree the problem was zinkof hates waiting for any thing and he has to what for three weeks.Zinkof trys to solve that problem by sniking out and bribing polly with a cupcake.One other problem was zinkof ceaps on puking so they turn his valve up side dow to make him stop puking but it comes with some thing else like burping a lot.

  10. Im reading loser and the connection I found is zinkoff had a best friend like Mzee and Owen only they didnt talk much.
